Types of Readings

Please read the following information if you’d like to know more about clairvoyant, mediumship and tarot card readings. To book a reading, please use the drop-down arrow to choose either a 60 minute or 30 minute reading, click on the ‘Buy Now” button and you’ll be taken to PayPal to finalise your payment. You don’t need a PayPal account. You can pay via credit card or direct deposit using the PayPal service. PayPal is easy and safe to use. Once you’ve made your payment, please contact me via the contact page on this website or wait for me to contact you via email. You can also contact me via Facebook.

Readings – Mediumship 

A medium is a spirit communicator. They are often able to connect with a loved one on the other side. It can be reassuring to know that your departed loved ones are still with you and are taking an active interest in your life. You may receive helpful guidance during a mediumship reading, and this advice often comes directly from your guides or loved ones in spirit. Thus, a session with a medium can be comforting and emotional. Before contacting a medium, please note that there is never any guarantee that they will be able to connect with a particular spirit during your reading.

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Readings – Clairvoyant 

A clairvoyant is someone with clear vision. A reading with a clairvoyant can be useful if you are feeling confused about a situation and would like some clarity. What a clairvoyant sees is not limited to the past or the present and so this type of reading may also give you a glimpse at your most possible future. Remember that if you change your current approach, you will change your future, so any predictions are based on what is most probable and not set in concrete. A psychic that is clairvoyant, clairaudient or clairsentient can tune into your question and bring clarity to your situation.

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Readings – Tarot Cards

Tarot readers use intuition and knowledge of their chosen deck to provide straight-forward, often practical advice. Tarot reading is an intricate study and can be a lifetime pursuit. The colours and designs of a tarot card are often designed to switch on psychic ability. You will find tarot readers who care little for the traditional card meanings and interpret the cards like a story board. Others can be almost academic in their approach to a reading. Either way, I find a tarot reading can be helpful for understanding connections, patterns and revealing how our past and present choices are creating our future. When it comes to timing and dates a tarot can be quite practical.

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Soul Plan Reading

You are a soul from another dimension that I call the spirit world. The spirit world is a place of peace, love and oneness. According to research, souls are reluctant to leave the spirit world. In spite of the reluctance, you chose to be born and you planned many aspects of your life before your birth. You incarnated into this lifetime so your soul can learn, grow and evolve.  With the assistance of your spirit guides, you planned the lessons you’d face in this lifetime. Your life is a combination of predestination and free will. You have free will and can respond in any way to those pre-planned lessons. During your incarnation on Earth, your spirit guides will help you to achieve the growth and evolution you planned before you were born. 

During a reading, I can see and hear your pre-birth planning sessions. I can tell you what your soul hoped to achieve in this lifetime. I can explain your life lessons and what they mean. Sometimes past lives influence decisions about your current life. In that case, I see and hear relevant aspects of your past lives. Whatever you need to know from a soul level, I will pass on to you.  A soul reading helps you to understand your life and why you are here. You will discover your life purpose.   

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Copyright of the above information on readings belongs to Leela Williams. The original article can be found at the International Psychics Association website – http://www.internationalpsychicsassociation.com/article1-psychic.html